Cilok Crispy Mozzarella Crispy Mozzarella Sticks recipe: Here's a great way to dress up mozzarella sticks.just try this baked version that uses golden puff pastry as the "breading". You'll find that the melted mozzarella together. Learn how to make Crispy Mozzarella Chicken with Garlic Spinach with our step-by-step video.

Bahan Membuat Cilok Crispy Mozzarella

  1. 50-100 gr Keju Mozzarella potong dadu.
  2. 100 gr Tepung tapioka / Sagu jg boleh.
  3. 70 gr Tepung terigu.
  4. 120 ml Air Mendidih.
  5. 2 siung Bawang Putih haluskan.
  6. 1 batang Daun Bawang cincang halus.
  7. secukupnya Garam, merica, kaldu bubuk.
  8. 1 butir telur.
  9. Tepung roti secukupnya untuk coating.
  10. Minyak untuk menggoreng.

Langkah Memasak Cilok Crispy Mozzarella

  1. Campur tepung sagu, terigu, daun bawang, bawang putih, garam, merica, kaldu bubuk dengan air mendidih...Aduk hingga rata dan kalis..
  2. Ambil sebagian adonan isi dg keju mozzarella..lalu bulatkan..ukuran tergantung selera..bisa kecil, sedang atau agak besar....
  3. Lakukan sampai adonan habis.
  4. Celupin bola2 cilok kedalam telur kocok..kemudian balur dg tepung roti..agak ditekan2 biar tepung rotinya lengket...
  5. Goreng hingga matang dan warna kuning keemasan...
  6. Bisa di Sajikan dg cocolan Mayones..atau saos sambal juga enak..Enjoy....

Low Carb Keto Mozzarella Sticks Recipe - A low carb keto mozzarella sticks recipe with a crispy outside and gooey, cheesy inside? Making this recipe for crispy air fryer mozzarella cheese sticks. This recipe makes a generous amount, so you won't be trying to split the odd number stick left on the plate. Baked Mozzarella Cheese Sticks - Crispy mozzarella sticks with panko and baked to golden Little G is a HUGE fan of cheese, all kinds of cheese: Parmesan, cheddar, mozzarella, cheese sticks, etc. Panko Breaded Mozzarella Sticks are deep fried crispy breaded pieces of mozzarella.

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