Perfect for breakfast or brunch, this Sausage Potato Hash served with fried eggs, is a hearty, comforting, delicious meal and super easy to make.
Because who can roll out dough and fry potatoes before breakfast?
So I must tell you about my make-ahead favorite recipe for a big family brunch: savory, garlicky sweet potato hash, roasted with sausage and rosemary, and baked the next day with eggs on top.
Bahan Membuat Egg roll sausage and potatos
- 2 sosis.
- 2 butir telur.
- 2 sdm susu cair (optional, krn lg ada susu cair aja).
- 1/2 sdm Bawang bubuk.
- 1 sdt Garam.
- Merica.
- Kentang goreng :.
- 1 kentang ukuran besar.
- Tepung maizena.
Langkah Memasak Egg roll sausage and potatos
- Panggang sosis sebentar hingga berubah warna.
- Kocok telur dan masukkan semua bahan.
- Masukkan telur ke wajan, taruh sosis di atasnya lalu gulung. Kemudian masukkan kembali adonan telur dan ulangi sampai adonan habis.
- Potong kentang memanjang dan bumbui dengan merica, garam, bawang bubuk.
- Tambahkan maizena supaya krispi.
- Goreng pada minyak panas.
You can use your favorite kind of frozen prepared hash browns for convenience. Egg rolls are where it's at. That is what inspired me to make this low carb version of egg rolls. Scroll below to see the recipe! When this is done DO NOT DRAIN the skillet.
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