Crunchy Bread Golden brown bread with a perfect, satisfying crunch. I have never had any luck with making crunchy loaves. They come out of the oven nice and crisp but within a short time the crust has.

Bahan Membuat Crunchy Bread

  1. 5 slice roti tawar.
  2. 5 buah sosis.
  3. 5 slice keju.
  4. 2 butir telur (kocok lepas).
  5. secukupnya tepung roti.
  6. secukupnya margarin.

Langkah Memasak Crunchy Bread

  1. Ambil 1 slice roti tawar, lalu pipihkan.
  2. Letakkan 1 slice keju di atas roti tawar pipih dan juga sosis di bagian pinggir roti.
  3. Gulung roti tawar yg di atasnya sudah ada toppingnya.
  4. Masukkan gulungan roti ke dalam telur.
  5. Setelah itu gulingkan di atas tepung roti hingga roti terbalut tepung roti.
  6. Panaskan margarin pada teflon pemanggang.
  7. Panggang adonan roti hingga berwarna kecoklatan.
  8. Jika sudah matang, angkat dan sajikan dengan mayones atau saus sambal dan tomat.

The outside of this rustic-looking bread is crunchy and the inside is soft, with a smattering of small bits of corn grits and millet or. The crunchy juicy pieces of celery add a refreshing element and pairs perfectly with the nutty roasted cauliflower and the crunchy chunky bread pieces. It all gets roasted on one tray - less washing up! Ever since I stopped buying bread, this has been a… I decided to start off my spree with this crunchy chicken salad because it's fun, easy, and delicious! Of course I couldn't eat just salad; I wanted a little more out of it, so I added some breaded chicken and.

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