Is this not the cutest mini dessert you've ever seen?
One of the most popular recipes on my blog is this incredibly easy No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake.
While I love no-bake cheesecake, it's not quite the same as a regular cheesecake.
Bahan Membuat Mini Oreo Cheesecake Lumer Murmer
- 1 kaleng SKM.
- 1 liter santan dari 1/2butir kelapa ukuran besar.
- 5 sdm maizena, larutkan dgn 100 ml air.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 10 sdm gula pasir atau sesuai selera.
- 100 gram keju parut halus.
- topping.
- 40 keping goriorio, hancurkan tanpa dibuang krimnya.
- 50 gram keju parut.
Langkah Memasak Mini Oreo Cheesecake Lumer Murmer
- Masak semua bahan dengan api sedang kecuali larutan maizena dan topping. Terus aduk2 hingga mendidih. Tambahkan larutan maizena. Terus aduk2 hingga meletup2. Matikan api dan dinginkan..
- Setelah adonan chizkek dingin (suhu ruang), tuang ke dalam cup sebanyak 2 sdm. Masukkan remukan goriorio, chizkek lagi sampe penuh, kemudian remukan goriorio dan keju sbg topping paling atas. Simpan di freezer dan siap dijual..
- Variasi topping dan susunannya sesuka hati ya. Kadang saya pake selai stroberi atau blueberry jg..
- 1 resep menghasilkan 35 cup kecil (kurleb ukuran 60 ml). Saya jual 2rebu aja per cup..
NOTES: If you use paper liners to line your muffin tin, you will get a more pale looking mini cheesecake (which is perfect). I opted out because I was out of paper liners. Also, feel free to omit the crumbled Oreos if you prefer a creamy plain cheesecake filling and have the bottom Oreo be the. Mini Oreo Cheesecake Cupcakes are a bite-size dessert featuring creamy cheesecake and a hidden oreo crust on the bottom. They're easy to make with only six ingredients and versatile enough for parties, birthdays, game day and holidays.
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