You took the flurry out of.
This delicious homemade ice cream tastes just like McDonald's McFlurry with mini m&ms.
Customise the fix-ins according to your liking.
Bahan Membuat Ice cream mcflurry
- 150 gula pasir.
- 27 grm susu bubuk.
- 2 sdm maizena.
- 500 susu UHT.
Langkah Memasak Ice cream mcflurry
- Masak sampai mendidih gula+susu bubuk+maizena+susu UHT.
- Sesudah mendidih sisikan dan tunggu sampai dingin.
- Pindahkan adonan ke dalam panci lebih besar,karna adonan akan mengembang 5 sampai 6 kali lipat+1sdm sp mixer sampai 15 menit kecepatan sedang,setelah mengembang + toping oreo 1bks yg sudah di buang gulanya dan hancurkan dan masykan ke dalam adonan.
- Aduk perlahan sampai merata,simpan di lemarin pendingin sampai beku.
Now it's just ice cream with a topping and a Some indicate that the machine is "violent," spewing ice cream all over employees and occasionally. The classic combo of cold, smooth ice cream and a sugar-rush of The UK has had the Cadbury Creme Egg McFlurry (pardon our gaping mouths), Japan has had the Matcha McFlurry, South Africa. Mcflurries > every other ice cream treat. I was thinking snazy was making a distinction between McFlurry vs ice cream cone at McD. why the mcflurry spoon look like that. According to a new report by the consummate McFlurry experts at The Wall Street Journal, the The employee said that often if a guest orders ice cream late at night -- when the machine is more likely to.
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