Also known as Kue Leker in Indonesia.
I call this crispy and thin ban jian kuih.
Resep Crepes Teflon Crispy Super Renyah!
Bahan Membuat Leker Crispy (Crepes)
- 6 sdm Tepung Beras.
- 2 sdm Tepung Terigu.
- 2 sdm Tepung Maizena.
- 6 sdm Gula Pasir (saya: 5 sdm).
- 2 sdm Susu Bubuk (saya: merk Dancow).
- 1 butir Telur.
- 1/2 sdt Soda Kue.
- secukupnya Vanilla Essence.
- 150 ml Air.
- Margarin secukupnya (utk olesan teflon).
- 🍫 Isian.
- Irisan buah/Meses/Keju/Chocochip/dll.
Langkah Memasak Leker Crispy (Crepes)
- Siapkan semua bahan..
- Campurkan semua bahan (kecuali air). Sambil diaduk dgn whisk tambahkan air sdikit demi sdikit hingga habis. Aduk hingga merata & tdak brgerindil..
- Panaskan teflon (ckup dgn api kecil), lalu olesi dgn sdikit margarin (sya pake kuas). Tuang adonan sbnyak 1 centong sayur. Jika bgian pinggirnya sdh mulai kecoklatan, tambahkan isian sesuai selera..
- Lalu lipat 2x hingga mnjadi 1/4 lingkaran..
- Angkat & sajikan. 😍.
Cara Membuat Kue Leker Crepes Kering Crispy Renyah Crispy caramelized crepes - these classic French crepes, crisped up with a thin layer of buttery, salted caramel on one side, are simply too good to miss. Located in heart of bu in boston view menu. A crepe should have a carmelly taste (oil prevents this) and try to use crepe pan very hot and cook This is the first time I used the recipe, followed it to the letter and it stuck to my non-stick crepe pan? Crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. I did omit MSG and added more Nutritional Information.
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