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Low-budget definition, made or done on a small or reduced budget; costing relatively little money: a Example sentences from the Web for low-budget.
The best performing film of the year may well turn.
Bahan Membuat Leker low budged
- 1/4 tepung terigu.
- 3 sendok pasir.
- Garam.
- Bluband.
- Toping:.
- Pisang.
- Ceress.
- Kacang tanah.
Langkah Memasak Leker low budged
- Tuangkan tepung terigu beri air, gula pasir, dan garam.
- Panaskan teflon dan beri blueband.
- Setelah itu masukkan adonan di teflon..
- Setelah itu beri toping..
Someone who is unable to meet expectations for simple tasks. A person who takes one year. Low cash levels can be a problem for many, when it comes to implementing PPC campaigns. However, you should now know of some ways in which you can get the most out of a small daily budget. The Low Budgets was an American punk/garage rock band based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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