Kebab |masakan rumahan It is an amalgamation of technique, thought and exotic ingredients, which come together to create this delectable kebab," explains Varun Inamdar, one of. ke·bab or ke·bob also ka·bob (kə-bŏb′) n. Shish kebab. kebab (kəˈbæb) n (Cookery) a dish consisting of small pieces of meat, tomatoes, onions, etc, threaded onto skewers and grilled, generally over charcoal. We've rounded up some kebab recipe combinations that are flavorful and fast to make.

Bahan Membuat Kebab |masakan rumahan

  1. Bahan:.
  2. 7 sdm tepung terigu.
  3. 4 helai sawi putih.
  4. 4 sosis.
  5. 1 sdm soda kue.
  6. 1 sdm cuka.
  7. 1 sdm garam.
  8. 1 sdm gula.
  9. 7 sdm air.
  10. secukupnya Mayonize.
  11. secukupnya Saos sambal.
  12. secukupnya Margarin.

Langkah Memasak Kebab |masakan rumahan

  1. Campurkan soda kue dan cuka. Tambahkan sedikit air..
  2. Campurkan: tepung, garam, gula, soda kue, dan air. Uleni sampai kalis dan tidak lengket..
  3. Bentuk bulat adonan, kemudian tutup dengan kain diamkan 1 jam..
  4. Pipihkan adonan..
  5. Bakar kulit kebab dengan sedikit margarin.
  6. Iris sawi dan sosis sesuai selera. Kemudian tumis sebentar..
  7. Isi kulit kebab dengan sosis, sawi, saos sambal dan mayonize. Kemudian lipat..
  8. Bakar kembali kebabnya..

There isn't just one way to create a kebab. Kebabs can contain multiple cuts of beef and pork, simply chicken, or just shrimp or cubed salmon. Some of the best kebabs are free of meat entirely: Our roasted okra and thyme skewers attest to that. Whichever kebab you choose, the skewers are cooked under a broiler or charred to perfection on a hot grill. Kebab definition, small pieces of meat or seafood seasoned or marinated and broiled, often with tomatoes, green peppers, onions, or other vegetables, usually on a skewer.

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