Crepes Simple The secret: letting the batter rest. It gives time for flour to absorb the liquid and the gluten to relax. Crepes are one of those essential, versatile recipes that every home cook should know.

Bahan Membuat Crepes Simple

  1. 4 SDM tepung terigu.
  2. 2 SDM tepung maizena.
  3. 3 SDM tepung beras.
  4. 1/2 sdt garam.
  5. Secukupnya Air.
  6. 1/2 sdt baking powder.
  7. 3-4 SDM kental manis.

Langkah Memasak Crepes Simple

  1. Campur terigu, maizena,dan tepung beras kedalam wadah..
  2. Tuang SKM kedalam wadah berisi tepung tadi,dan beri secukup Air..
  3. Masukan garam dan baking powder,aduk2..
  4. Panaskan teflon,beri sedikit mentega..
  5. Tuangkan adonan ke teflon sedikit sedikit.Tunggu sampai pinggiran berwarna coklat..
  6. Bila ingin diberi topping silahkan.Setelah pinggiran berwarna coklat angkat dan tekuk menjadi 2 dan letakkan dipiring..

In a small bowl, whisk milk and eggs. Combine the flour, sugar and salt; add to milk mixture and mix well. Go French with Alton Brown's foolproof Crepes recipe from Good Eats on Food Network. Add veggies for a savory version; use chocolate and berries for dessert. Crepe Recipes We have everything you need to know about crepes, from mastering the basic crepe batter recipe, to creating a towering crepe cake.

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