Chocolate crepe This decadent dark chocolate crepe cake is topped with sugar-coated hazelnuts for even more flavor. Though the dessert looks impressive, it's easy to put together and delicious, too. And these chocolate crepes are a fun variation on my classic crepes.

Bahan Membuat Chocolate crepe

  1. 5 butir telur ayam.
  2. Gula(optional).
  3. Sejumput garam.
  4. 1/2 kg tepung terigu (inget pake yg bagus buat dimamam sendiri).
  5. Susu bubuk (optional).
  6. 100 gr mentega leleh.
  7. Pewarna makanan.
  8. Air.
  9. Buttercream beli jadi ga usah ribet😏.

Langkah Memasak Chocolate crepe

  1. Jadi intinya nieh...kek buat adonan kulit lumpia basah or dadar gulung manis or apalah itu yg kek gitu itu...😝 masi mungkin sih kira kira.
  2. Campur bahan jadi satu aduk sampe bener2 rata dan ga menggumpal.
  3. Tingkat kekentalan adonanya sesuaikan sama keinginan kita. Bisa cek bikin satu..kalo masi ketebelan tambahin air lagi dan jgn lupa cek sllu rasanya....
  4. Panasin teflon yg bener2 anti lengket.. olezi sedikit minyak.
  5. Dadar satu persatu sampe adonan habis..ato sampe ketinggian kue yang diinginkan. gempor deh tu pundak...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
  6. Setelah jadi dan dingin,susun satu oles buttercram tumpuk lagi oles lagi dan lagi sampe tinggi.
  7. Rapihkan pinggiran crepe tutup buttercream dan hias sesukamu....
  8. Tarraaa...silahkan potong dan icipi... nah lo..begemana coba...πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ.

Chocolate crepes are more difficult to tell the readiness to flip as you can't watch for a golden color. This Chocolate Crepe Cake is sure to stand out at any party! Made with wholesome ingredients, this vegan & gluten-free cake is a healthier way to indulge. Repeat with remaining batter, adding more butter or oil to the pan as necessary. Gordon Ramsay's chocolate crepes are an indulgent treat the whole family will love!

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