Indomie level baper 😂 Not only is it stupidly easy to cook, but it's the only thing we could afford back then — and now! The main problem with it is that it can get pretty boring when you have it by itself, and the flavor sachets aren't exactly renowned for their nutritional value. Indomie merupakan produk instant noodle yang telah melalui proses produksi yang sangat higienis dengan standar Internasional dan didukung dengan teknologi berkualitas tinggi.

Bahan Membuat Indomie level baper 😂

  1. 1 bungkus indomie goreng.
  2. secukupnya sosis.
  3. secukupnya baksoo.
  4. secukupnya sawi.
  5. 1 sndok margarin.
  6. 1 siung bawang putih.
  7. 10 buah caber rawit.
  8. sesuai selera garam.

Langkah Memasak Indomie level baper 😂

  1. haluskan bumbu, bawang putih, cabe rawit, dan garam..
  2. siapkan semua bahan, potong sawi, sosis dan bakso sesuai selera..
  3. panaskan margarin diatas api sedang..
  4. tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan, hingga berbau harum. masukan sawi, sosis, dan bakso..
  5. masukan mie, serta bumbu2 . tumis hingga bumbu tercampur merata..
  6. sajikan! beri taburan bawang daun dan bawang goreng.

E Asian friends who are going to university Indomie's premium wheat noodles are now part of every Saudi home. Indomie is a line by Indofood, an Indonesian company. These are their most popular product. After trying a few varieties, I found Indomie Mi Goreng line and was all about it. When we'd go to Seattle we'd come back with a couple bags full of them, and I don't think my parents minded too much since it.

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