Mie Level Mozarella Tap on those areas of the card to change both the title and the author. Then make sure that the title you give the. Mie mozzarella yang yuuum dan jadi selera kita bersama. keju mozzarella secukupnya.

Bahan Membuat Mie Level Mozarella

  1. 1 bungkus Mie instan (indomie goreng).
  2. 3 buah Daging burger (yang sudah di tumis).
  3. 10 buah cabai (sesuai selera).
  4. Keju Mozarella (bisa diganti quick melt).
  5. Bawang bombay.
  6. 1 siung Bawang Putih.
  7. 1 siung Bawang merah.
  8. Secukupnya Merica Bubuk.
  9. Minyak untuk menumis.

Langkah Memasak Mie Level Mozarella

  1. Rebus mie instan terlebih dahulu, sambil menunggu matang buat sambal nya.
  2. Sambal : Haluskan Bawang putih, bawang merah, cabai dan garam.
  3. Panaskan minyak goreng lalu tumis bawang bombay dan sambal.
  4. Masukkan mie yang sudah di rebus dan aduk rata.
  5. Masukkan keju mozarella di atas mie sampai meleleh.
  6. Mie level siap disajikan.

Source: Nutrient data for this listing was provided by. Continuous moulding of mozzarella-type soft spun, or partially dry (such as provola, scamorza, pizza cheese, braids, cherry-size, etc). Shapes are customizable according to customer's requirement. This Mozzarella Cheese post will guide you through it's history, to how to make your own creamy stretchy Mozzarella at home with our delicious, never fail recipe. Fresh mozzarella is made with four simple ingredients: milk, rennet, citric acid, and salt.

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