Spicy fried noodle Singapore Fried Noodle Recipe (Singapore Spicy Noodle Recipe) Welcome to Xiao's Kitchen. My name is Xiao Wei, ever since my Mother taught me how to cook at. The biggest giveaway of a spicy ramen that's actually spicy is how much water you have left, if any, after boiling the noodles.

Bahan Membuat Spicy fried noodle

  1. 1 bungkus mie goreng indomie instan.
  2. Bon cabe (level dan pemberiannya sesuai selera).
  3. Sambal (kalo aku pake sambal terasi abc yg 2rb an).
  4. 1 sosis so nice dan 3 biji bakso (pakai salah satu saja gapapa).
  5. sesuai selera Daun bawang.

Langkah Memasak Spicy fried noodle

  1. Rebus mie instannya kurang lebih 2-3menit. Sambil menunggu mie nya, potong kecil kecil bakso, sosis, dan daun bawangnya.
  2. Tumis bakso, sosis, dan daun bawangnya separo aja, yang separonya disisihkan dulu, tambahkan sambalnya, lalu gongso dan di beri air sedikit..
  3. Masukkan mienya dan tambahkan bon cabe, daun bawang, dan bumbu asli di mie instannya..
  4. Lalu masak hingga bumbu benar benar sudah tercampur rata..
  5. Sajikan diatas piring. Spicy fried noodle.

This popular Southeast Asian street fare is known as mee goreng (fried noodles). Look for the sweet bean sauce and noodles (which are sometimes frozen. Use shanghai noodles to make Spicy pork noodles (Beijing zha jiang mian). Pad kee mao (stir-fried rice noodles with beef, holy basil and chilli). Basically, bami goreng is a spicy fied noodle meal.

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