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In a medium sized pot over low heat, heat the almond milk to a simmer.
Sprinkle the xanthan gum over the top, whisking constantly.
Bahan Membuat Shirataki samyang kw (low carb/keto)
- 1 bks shirataki warna hijau.
- Telur.
- Bakso.
- Bumbu samyang kw.
- 1 paket bumbu indomi* goreng (kecap dan saus tidak digunakan).
- 1 sdm kecap Tropican*.
- 1 sdm hot sauce (low carb sauce).
- sesuai selera Boncab* level 30.
Langkah Memasak Shirataki samyang kw (low carb/keto)
- Shirataki tiriskan dgn air mendidih.
- Satukan semua bumbu samyang kw aduk2, lalu masukan mie shirataki diaduk2 kembali hingga rata, hidangkan dgn telur dan bakso.
- Siap disantap....
If you're not a fan of zucchini, you can also substitute eggplant slices for your keto lasagna. Feed the addiction with a keto version of your Samyang. You'll need to experiment to find your fave noodle replacement. But just dry pan fry them for a few minutes, add the samyung seasoning packet(s) and a little water and cook for a few minutes. My fave low carb noodles: healthy noodles from Costco and.
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