Bring earplugs for the high and distorted volume.
Music songs get chopped off at the middle and change rhythm to a different genre unexpectedly.
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Bahan Membuat Moring ala :salsa
- 50 gram Tepung terigu.
- 100 gram tepung tapioka.
- 3 sdm Royco(bisa diganti kaldu jamur.
- Air mendidih.
- Bubuk cabe (optinal).
Langkah Memasak Moring ala :salsa
- Campurkan semua bahan kecuali bubuk cabe,aduk sampai kalis.
- Bentuk seperti ini.
- Masukkan kulkas selama satu hari penuh.
- Keluarkan,potong tipis goreng sampai kecoklatan,dan taburkan bubuk cabe.
Wow, the flavors pop'ed and while pretty spicy was a wonderful addition to the eggs.. While it's good with dishes that traditionally go well with salsa, it's good with much. In a large pot, heat oil, cook onions and garlic. Add chorizo and beef until meats are well browned. Recipe: Salsa & Pico De Gallo Salsa is Spanish for sauce.
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