These vegan cinnamon rolls are: Fluffy Soft Sweet Tender Cinnamon-y Easy & Satisfying.
This Vegan Babka is basically like a cinnamon roll, shaped as babka.
Totally worth your time and attention!
Bahan Membuat Godok Pisang Cinnamon Vegan
- Pisang sunpride 10-12 btg. Simpan sampai kelewat masak.
- 1 sisir Pisang raja.
- 200 gram tepung terigu.
- 120 gram tepung beras.
- 80 gram gula pasir.
- 1 tsp Baking soda.
- Garam secukup nya.
- 1 tbs Bubuk kayu manis.
- Minyak goreng secukup nya.
Langkah Memasak Godok Pisang Cinnamon Vegan
- Hancurkan pisang terlebih dahulu. Masukkan tepung, tpg beras, gula, garam, terakhir baking soda Dan bubuk kayu manis.
- Jika suka yg kenyal, boleh nambah 3-4 sendok tepung terigu. Saya suka yg sedang saja..
- Panaskan wajan Dan di goreng satu persatu. Selamat mencoba.
Get ready to dive into the BEST cinnamon rolls of all time. Fluffy, perfectly sweet, and melt-in-your-mouth good. Well, it finally happened, and it was everything I could dream of and more. Nathan absolutely nailed it with these cinnamon rolls and I am excited to share it on our blog. This Vegan Cinnamon Swirl Cake is super Easy and Quick.
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