Godok Pisang Cinnamon Vegan These vegan cinnamon rolls are: Fluffy Soft Sweet Tender Cinnamon-y Easy & Satisfying. This Vegan Babka is basically like a cinnamon roll, shaped as babka. Totally worth your time and attention!

Bahan Membuat Godok Pisang Cinnamon Vegan

  1. Pisang sunpride 10-12 btg. Simpan sampai kelewat masak.
  2. 1 sisir Pisang raja.
  3. 200 gram tepung terigu.
  4. 120 gram tepung beras.
  5. 80 gram gula pasir.
  6. 1 tsp Baking soda.
  7. Garam secukup nya.
  8. 1 tbs Bubuk kayu manis.
  9. Minyak goreng secukup nya.

Langkah Memasak Godok Pisang Cinnamon Vegan

  1. Hancurkan pisang terlebih dahulu. Masukkan tepung, tpg beras, gula, garam, terakhir baking soda Dan bubuk kayu manis.
  2. Jika suka yg kenyal, boleh nambah 3-4 sendok tepung terigu. Saya suka yg sedang saja..
  3. Panaskan wajan Dan di goreng satu persatu. Selamat mencoba.

Get ready to dive into the BEST cinnamon rolls of all time. Fluffy, perfectly sweet, and melt-in-your-mouth good. Well, it finally happened, and it was everything I could dream of and more. Nathan absolutely nailed it with these cinnamon rolls and I am excited to share it on our blog. This Vegan Cinnamon Swirl Cake is super Easy and Quick.

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