Cupcakes Chocolate This has been a literal labor of love! I have tested recipes from every major recipe source and have not been able to find the one I considered to be perfect. Light, fluffy and moist, these easy chocolate cupcakes can be made from scratch in just one bowl, then ice them with a fudgy chocolate buttercream frosting.

Bahan Membuat Cupcakes Chocolate

  1. 400 gr Tepung Terigu Cakra.
  2. 100 gr Unsulted Butter.
  3. 100 gr Wisjman.
  4. 5 sdm Canola Oil / Minyak Sayur.
  5. 400 gr Gula pasir.
  6. 80 gr Coklat bubuk.
  7. 3 butir Telur.
  8. 320 ml Air Panas.
  9. 2 sdm Baking powder / (sy hny 1 sdm BP double acting).
  10. 1/2 sdt Garam.
  11. 1 sdm Vanilla Extract.
  12. Nb: ini sy buat 2 resep yg sdh sy modifikasi dr Resep asli).

Langkah Memasak Cupcakes Chocolate

  1. Panaskan Oven 180 C dan siapkan loyang Cupcake (sy memakai cup untuk bolu kukus dan wadah nya).
  2. Campur coklat bubuk dgn Air Panas, aduk rata dan saring..
  3. Dalam wadah lain, campur Tepung Terigu, Baking Powder, & Garam..
  4. Kocok Butter selama 3 menit, lalu tambah kan Gula, Minyak sayur, Vanilla Extract, lalu masukkan Telur, Biarkan hingga ratadan terlihat mengembang..
  5. Masukkan Tepung yg telah di campur Baking Powder, & Garam sambil di ayak kedalam kocokan dgn Speed Mixer Rendah, biarkan hinnga rata dan matikan Mixer.
  6. Masukan Air Coklat Bubuk yg telah dingin, lalu aduk menggunakan Spatula searah, berlahan hingga Rata..
  7. Masukan adonan kedalam wadah Cupcake yang telah disediakan menggunakan sendok sayur bulat atau sendok makan..
  8. Panggang Cupcakes selama 25 -30 Menit.dgn Oven 180 C Atau di sesuaikan dengan Oven masing2. Nb; Tusuk Cupcakes dgn tusukan gigi, apabila sudah tidak menempel, maka sudah siap di angkat..
  9. Hias sesuai selera.
  10. .

These chocolate cupcakes are the best - moist, rich, and decadent! This easy chocolate cupcake recipe includes step-by-step directions and video. These Chocolate Cupcakes are my favorite type of cupcake. The combination of a rich and moist chocolate butter cake topped with a rich and creamy chocolate butter frosting is irresistible. These classic chocolate cupcakes are ready in less than an hour, and the perfect dessert for any occasion.

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