Potato wedges with salted egg yolk sauce Nice yellow color, firm texture, slightly oily. When all of the oil has been incorporated, stir in the miso, salt, white pepper and grated yuzu. Refrigerate in a squeeze bottle for convenient application.

Bahan Membuat Potato wedges with salted egg yolk sauce

  1. 1/2 kg kentang sedang.
  2. 3-4 kuning telor asin.
  3. 1/2 sdt garam atau sesuai selera.
  4. Secukupnya minyak utk goreng dan tumis.

Langkah Memasak Potato wedges with salted egg yolk sauce

  1. Cuci bersih kentang berikut kulit sambil disikat potong bentuk wedges (boleh jg dikupas bersih) lalu kukus ± 2 - 3 menit sisihkan.
  2. Goreng kentang sampai matang (sy pakai minyak goreng ayam ya jd agak kekuningan).
  3. Siapkan bahan saus..sy pakai 2 kuning telor dan 1 bks royco bumbu siap pakai seperti difoto..hancurkan kuning telor menggunakan garpu.
  4. Panaskan minyak secukupnya utk tumis masukan telor asin yg sdh dihancurkan/royco bumbu siap pakai masukan garam sambil terus diaduk sampai berbusa masukan kentang aduk sampai rata (klo mau agak kering bs diaduk trus sampai saus keliatan mengering) dengan api kecil.
  5. Angkat kentang..siap disajikan.

Mash salted egg yolks with a fork - resist all urges to start snacking on them immediately. Add room temperature full cream and mix vigorously to incorporate. An easy salted egg yolk chicken recipe made with pieces of crispy battered chicken coated in savory salted egg yolk sauce and aromatic curry leaves. First frying - to cook the chicken Do this in batches as we don't. The salted egg yolk started it's life in simple home-style comfort cooking, but has now conquered Potatoes are love, potatoes are life, potatoes are practically a religion when they're deep fried and Forget your basic dipping chocolate, salted egg sauce is the new kid on the block and it's here to stay.

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