These no-bake cookies are sweet and chewy and made without peanut butter.
They taste like an oatmeal cookie and coconut macaroon combined into one delicious treat.
No-bake cookies with coconut not your thing?
Bahan Membuat Klapetart no bake and bake (coconut flake)
- 1 sdm custard.
- 1 sdm terigu.
- 75 ml air.
- 4 sdm coconut flake.
- 2 sdm kental manis.
- 1 kuning telur.
- 200 ml krim kental.
- Bahan taburan.
- slice Almond.
- Cranberry/ kismis.
- Coconut flake.
- Bahan topping putel.
- 1 putel.
- 1 sdt gula pasir.
Langkah Memasak Klapetart no bake and bake (coconut flake)
- Siapkan semua bahan dan campurkan semua bahan kecuali gula..
- Masak hingga gula larut dan masukan kelapa kering.
- Masak terus hingga kental.
- Jika nobake langsung diberi topping.
- Jika di bake beri tambahkan kocokan putih telur yang sudah soft peak baru diberi topping tambahan.
- Panggang disuhu 150°c selama 25 menit.
These no bake chocolate coconut pumpkin bars are a paleo treat made with pumpkin, dates, cocoa and coconut. These easy Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies remind me of a Mounds bar in cookies form with some healthy oatmeal added in for good measure and a bit more texture too! This time of year brings all kinds of goodness like these Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies. They take me back to years gone by. No waiting for the oven to preheat or for baking time - score!
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