Falafel Learn how to make authentic falafel from this classic recipe. A traditional Middle Eastern dish, it's a nicely filling fast food, perfect as a starter, main course or just a snack. See more ideas about Falafel recipe, Falafel, Recipes.

Bahan Membuat Falafel

  1. 250 gram Garbanzo.
  2. 1 buah bombay sedang.
  3. 2 siung Bawang Putih.
  4. 1 cup Parsley atau mix Cilantro -.
  5. Mint.
  6. 1 sdt Ketumbar bubuk sangrai.
  7. 1 sdt Jintan bubuk Sangrai.
  8. 1 sdt Black Pepper fresh ground.
  9. 1 sdt Cayenne bubuk (optional).
  10. 1 sdm terigu.
  11. 1/2 sdt baking soda (optional).
  12. Secukupnya garam.

Langkah Memasak Falafel

  1. Soak Garbanzo - jangan salah dengan Kacang Arab meskipun hampir sama - kacang arab kecil dan kering, bila direndam juga ttp kecil.
  2. Chop Flat Italian Parsley (bukan Peterseli yang kruel kruel ya), dan Cilantro, blender bersama bumbu” lain dan Kacang Garbanzo.
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  5. Atau Buat Salad sederhana dengan dressing Black Pepper, Lemon dan Olive Oil...
  6. Et Voila,...

The falafel balls are topped with salads, pickled vegetables, hot sauce, and drizzled with tahini-based sauces. Falafel balls may also be eaten alone as a snack or served as part of a meze tray. Falafel Salam is a Middle Eastern restaurant located in the heart of the West Seattle Junction. We take pride in making everything fresh from scratch using the best possible ingredients. Our low-carb falafel uses soybeans and makes a light and healthy dinner.

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