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Diet sandwich contains all the daily necessary vegetables.
Bahan Membuat Sandwich Diet Gandum
- 2 roti gandum.
- Blueband / margarin.
- Telur.
- Sayur - sayuran.
- Saus tomat.
- Saus cabe.
- Keju.
Langkah Memasak Sandwich Diet Gandum
- Oles roti kedua sisi roti dengan blueband / margarin dan letakkan pada teplon yang sudah agak panas, jika sudah agak kecoklatan lalu angkat.
- Ceplok telur pada teplon sampai matang sesuai selera.
- Letakkan telur di atas roti dan taburkan keju parut chedar, letakkan irisan tomat dan juga selada, lalu masukkan saus tomat dan saus cabe.
- Tutup dengan roti yg lain. Sajikan.
At many popular sandwich chains, you can unwittingly gobble up a diet disaster -- unless you know how to order. Make mine a Subway: Turkey sandwich diet helps father-of-two lose five stone in nine months. He says the takeaway outlet helped him lose more than five stone. Exchanging one fast food diet for. We all know a balanced diet is essential for our health and well-being. "Jam sandwiches are really the only thing I can eat.
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