Day 8 : Lunch Diet Lunch is often something you eat at work or school, so it's a great time to pack a sandwich or leftovers that you can heat and eat. Vegetables are vitally important to the Med Diet. At the store today pick up a veggie you've never tried before.

Bahan Membuat Day 8 : Lunch Diet

  1. Brokoli.
  2. Sedikit kol.
  3. 1 butir telur (kocok).
  4. 1 siung bawang putih (cincang).
  5. 1 batang bawang daun.

Langkah Memasak Day 8 : Lunch Diet

  1. Rebus brokoli hingga 1/2 matang..
  2. Tumis bawang putih. Setelah harum masukkan brokoli yang sudah direbus dan kol yang diiris tipis. Beri air dan lada hitam..
  3. Setelah mendidih dan matang, masukkan telur sambil diaduk". Beri bawang daun..

You've heard about the importance of breakfast to a healthy diet, and usually have a dinner plan in mind. Lunch, however, is often forgotten, and is often what throws you off your diet. These healthy lunch ideas will get you through the workday. Your diet doesn't stop just because you left the house. These easy recipes will help you resist the urge to run out to Chipotle for lunch.

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