My wife is cooking vegetable soup to start my day. In this article, we look at how the diet GM stands for General Motors. Some sources claim that the General Motors corporation developed and endorsed this diet plan to help its.
Bahan Membuat Diet GM : Day 2
- 1 bungkus toge.
- 1 iket kangkung.
- 1 bungkus Bunga Turi.
- 🍜 Bahan Pecel.
- 1 ons kacang tanah.
- 2 siung bawang putih.
- 1 cm kencur.
- 1/2 sdt garam (sesuai selera).
- daun jeruk.
- 2 biji cabai (sesuai selera).
- 1 buah gula merah (secukupnya).
Langkah Memasak Diet GM : Day 2
- Sayur kangkung, toge dan bunga turi dibersihkan.
- Siapkan air dipanci lalu didihkan sambil potong-potong kangkung kemudian rebus semua sayur sebentar, jika sudah layu lalu angkat buang airnya dan tiriskan.
- 🍜 Cara membuat pecel : Bersihkan semua bumbu dan bahan kecuali Gula merah.
- Goreng kacang tanah hingga warna sedikit berubah agak kuning angkat dan tiriskan.
- Goreng semua bumbu kecuali Daun jeruk supaya aroma segar.
- Haluskan semua bumbu dan bahan bersama-sama.
- Siap dihidangkan sebagai pendamping sayur 🍜.
The duration of the diet is one week and on each day you are supposed to eat different foods. The diet involves eating detoxifying foods that have negative calories. Yes, I tried this diet plan twice. But it has been observed that, I felt more fat loss inspite of just a But I will also add that, it is one the best detox diets I have seen, so when I do a GM diet, I now do it for shorter periods like a day or two, not with the aim. You can eat all fruit other than bananas.
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