They are a classic, but not everyone has the time and/or money to head over to.
Vanilla Caffè Latte is mocha's friendly opposite.
Steamed with milk poured into espresso with This sweet coffee experience brings hand-pulled Espresso Forte, Madagascar vanilla syrup, and perfectly.
Bahan Membuat Cente Vanilla Latte
- 1/2 pack hunkwe (40gr).
- 175 ml santan (me sun Kara campur air).
- 50 gr gula pasir.
- 1/2 sachet kopi gooday vanilla latte.
- Sejumput garam.
- 25 gr sagu mutiara.
Langkah Memasak Cente Vanilla Latte
- Rebus sagu mutiara dgn metode 5.30.7 (rebus 5 menit dgn panci tertutup lalu matikan kompor tunggu 30 menit lalu nyalakan lagi api kompor selama 7menit, tutup panci tdk dibuka ya) angkat tiriskan..
- Bagi dua santan, yang satu campur dgn gula dan garam. Lalu didihkan.
- Sisa santan nya campur dgn tepung hunkwe dan kopi aduk rata..
- Setelah santan di panci mendidih. Lalu masukkan campuran santan dan tepung hunkwe. Aduk terus hingga kental dan padat matikan kompor dan terakhir masukin sagu mutiara nya.
- Cetak sesuai selera. Punya saya di bungkus plastik tebal. Siap dinikmati.
This Vanilla Latte Cake transforms a classic coffee beverage into a delicious dessert! Make your mornings delicious with Gevalia Vanilla Latte Espresso Coffee K Cup Pods. Vanilla Draft Latte is made with whole, real ingredients like nutrient-rich milk, cold brew, and natural Limited quantities available. Find Vanilla Draft Latte in a store near you. A wide variety of vanilla latte coffee options are available to you, such as flavor, packaging, and certification.
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